Trade currencies, create investment opportunities or predict the market.
Finance involves the management of large amounts of money and financial products and services (e.g. loans, mortgages, property, bonds, stocks, etc) by companies or government entities.
Finance professionals are typically individuals with strong mathematical, logical and financial literacy skills, who work for companies or public agencies to create, predict, manage and review financial opportunities, products and services.
The interactive map below shows different pathways that highlight the steps taken by real professionals in that field.
Deciding which Finance specialisation to pursue may be easier than you think. Whether you want to analyse mortgage rates, audit non-profit organisations, calculate market risks, or help with a multi-billion dollar merger, you can do it with Finance.
The following specialisations include information about what sort of work is involved, a range of related jobs, the type of skills you might expect to come out of, and steps to becoming a successful Finance professional.
For any rewarding career in Finance, the first step is typically Undergraduate Study. Whether going straight from school into a Bachelor’s degree, or double-degree, or taking up a one year Diploma as a pathway into second year of university, there are many choices when it comes to taking the first step into your Finance journey.
Want to see a list of current Undergraduate study options in Australia?
Honours Programs
For honours programs, click the link above in Undergraduate Courses
Below are some alternative pathways you may consider if you decide finance is not the right career for you.